My Story

Hello! I am a translator of French, Spanish, and Portuguese into English. I hold an MA in Specialised Translation (Distinction, 2018) and a BA in Spanish and Music (2001). I am an Affiliate Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) and a Career Affiliate of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL).
I engage in an active programme of continuing professional development to learn new skills (transcription, website localisation) and keep my skills up-to-date.
Different languages and cultures have always been part of my life. I grew up in a bilingual home (French, English) - I am half English, half Swiss. At the age of 18, my love of languages took me to Mexico to teach English. On returning to the UK, I continued learning Spanish and developing a love of Latin American culture whilst studying for a degree in Spanish & Music, one year of which was spent in Cuba.
I haven't looked back since! My career since graduating in 2001 has taken me across Latin America and Spain as a teacher, writer, interpreter, and concert promoter. I spent five years as an operations manager for a music tour and travel company in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. I contributed to a guide book to Mexico and worked with an indigenous women's cooperative in the Brazilian Amazon. I began to work as a translator and interpreter whilst living in Bogota, Colombia. On returning to my native London, I furthered my career in translation by enrolling on the MA in Specialised Translation at the University of Westminster, graduating with distinction in 2018.
Hadley Translations was born as a way of bringing together my interests in language, culture, teaching, and the creative arts. I bring energy,
commitment, and perfection to my work. Most importantly though, I value the importance of speaking different languages to communicate with people across many countries and cultures.